Birds native to West Africa that we have in our breeding or have acquired from foreign institutions.
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Scientific | English | Deutsch | Česky |
Egretta ardesiaca | Black heron | Glockenreiher | Volavka černá |
Cyanomitra verticalis | Green-headed sunbird | Grünkopf-Nektarvogel | Strdimil zelenohlavý |
Cinnyris cupreus | Copper sunbird | Kupfersonnenvogel | Strdimil achátový |
Cinnyris pulchellus | Beautiful sunbird | Elfen-Nektarvogel | Strdimil nádherný |
Cinnyris superbus | Ssuperb sunbird | Prachtnektarvogel | Strdimil okrasný |
Halcyon malimbica | Blue-breasted kingfisher | Zügelliest | Ledňáček malimbijský |
Laniarus barbarus | Yellow-crowned gonolek | Goldscheitelwürger | Ťuhýkovec žlutokorunkatý |
Nesocharis capistrata / Delacourella capistrata | Grey-headed oliveback | Weißwangenastrild | Oliváček běločelý |
Oriolus auratus | African golden oriole | Goldpirol | Žluva zlatá |
Spermophaga haematina | Western bluebill | Rotbrust-Samenknacker | Louskáček červenoprsý |
Uraeginthus bengalus | Red-cheeked Cordonbleu | Schmetterlingsfink | Motýlek rudouchý |
Zosterops senegalensis | Northern yellow white-eye | Senegalbrillenvogel | Kruhoočko žlutozelené |