Cyanerpes cyaneus

Passerines from Latin America

In the spring of 2023 we brought rare species of Passerines from Latin America to our zoological garden Zoopark Zajezd. Some will be on display to the general public in the new education pavilion, where we also have Callitrichids, Reptiles and Amphibians.

If you are interested in more information, please email us to

Basic care information can be found under the gallery on this page.

Cacicus celaYellow-rumped CaiqueGelbbürzelkassikeVlhovec žlutokostřecovýCacicus cela
Cyanerpes caeruleusPurple HoneycreeperPurpurnaschvogelKvětomil purpurovýCyanerpes caeruleus
Cyanicterus cyanicterusBlue-backed TanagerZiertangareTangara okrasnáCyanicterus cyanicterus
Dacnis cayanaBlue DacnisBlaukopfpitpitPitpit modrýDacnis cayana
Dacnis lineataBlack faced DacnisMaskenpitpitPitpit škraboškovýDacnis lineata
Euphonia violaceaViolaceous EuphoniaVeilchenorganistLibohlásek fialovýEuphonia violacea
Gymnoderus foetidusBare-necked FruitcrowNackthalskotingaKotinga nahokrkáGymnoderus foetidus
Chiroxiphia pareolaBlue backed ManakinPrachtpipraPipulka ostroocasáChiroxiphia pareola
Manacus manacusWhite-bearded ManakinWeißsäbelpipraPipulka bělobradáManacus manacus
Perissocephalus tricolorCapuchinKapuzinerkotingaKotinga tříbarváPerissocephalus tricolor
Phoenicircus carnifexGuiana Red CotingaBlutkotingaKotinga krvaváPhoenicircus carnifex
Pipra aureolaCrimson ManakinRothaubenpipraPipulka červenoprsáPipra aureola
Pipra erythrocephalaGolden-headed ManakinGelbkopfpipraPipulka zlatohlaváPipra erythrocephala
Psarocolius decumanusCrested OropendolaKrähenstirnvogelVlhovec chocholatýPsarocolius decumanus
Ramphocelus carboSilver-beaked TanagerSilberschnabeltangareTangara sametováRamphocelus carbo
Tangara gyrolaBay-headed TanagerRötelkopftangareTangara vavřínováTangara gyrola
Tangara chilensisParadise TanagerParadiestangareTangara sedmibarváTangara chilensis
Tangara mexicanaTurquoise TanagerTürkistangareTangara tyrkysováTangara mexicana
Tangara veliaOpal-rumped TanagerRotbauchtangareTangara opálováTangara velia
Tersina viridisSwallow TanagerSchwalbentangareTangara vlaštovčíTersina viridis
Passerines, Zoopark Zajezd 2023

How to care for Tanagers

Tanagers come from the South American tropics and therefore need warmth and high humidity; after importation they need 28-32°C during the day, 3-5°C less at night; as acclimatisation progresses the daytime temperature can be reduced to 22-24°C; at lower temperatures a local heat source must be provided. They are fragile birds that will punish you for your mistakes, but will reward you with their incredible beauty and the joy of successful breeding.

In the wild their diet consists mainly of fruit, insects and nectar.
In our care, these birds receive:

  • Sweet fruit (papaya, grapes, pears, apples, berries, etc.) finely chopped or whole
  • Nectar dissolved in water in a drinker or bowl (Claus, Avian)
  • Powdered nectar for lories (Psittacus)
  • Pellets for softbills (Psittacus, Versele-Laga)
  • Food for insectivorous birds (insect pâté)
  • Insects: crickets, mealworms – Brazilian blackworm (Zophobas), mealybug

Different species have different preferences.
Honeycreepers need a lot of nectar, they like white mealworms; Cotingas, Manakins and Swallow Tanagers prefer chopped fruit; Capuchin will eat ten white zophobas a day; Euphonia must still have fruit or nectar available; Caciques and Blue-backed Tanagers eat lots of insects, including adult crickets and beetles or mealworm pupae; we only give white mealworms to the other birds.

If different species are mixed, tanagers are usually tolerant of each other, but I would not mix small birds with Capuchins or Caciques;
Males of Tanagers, Honeycreepers and Pitpits in breeding mood will try to oust other males of their species, even of similar colour; even a gentle bird like a Honeycreeper can oust Opal-rumped and Turquoise Tanagers. Conflicts are not usually “bloody”, but submissive birds can be subtly wiped out by stress, so it is necessary to watch and observe.

If you are interested in more information, please email us to